Wednesday 25 July 2018

Dear Diary.....25th July 2018

Dear Diary.....25th July 2018

One day to go agggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!


Diary i guess your wondering why i started off with that wake up call from my most hated actor of all time (Apart from in the films Awakenings and The Fisher King).
Well, just look at this weeks page views for the blog.

137 people in Vietnam have read my blog this past week, so to you i say "cam on ban".

And this is the figures from google for this year to date.

Not bad for "A SH**Y LITTLE BAR" lol.

What a weird 9 days since the world cup finished and its not just me who is saying it, its everyone i speak to from all resorts, all types of businesses and suppliers. I'm always honest about my business if its going great its great, if its quiet its quiet, never in my 12 years have i ever gone below my first ever nights takings in 2007 on a night, let alone in July. OK, it was lower than my second ever night open but still that's what happened 8 days ago but the day before that i had my best ever night in 12 years. The bar went from 100 mph to 5 mph within 24 hours and has only ticked over since then. Other businesses within the resort are saying the same, even my supplier said their beer deliveries had dropped dramatically, some even saying its as bad as October, so strange but hey, we survive. As you know from my previous 11 years of writing i hate July and August as always my 2 quietest months out of the 6.

I was talking to some customers about the tribute acts around the resort which i can honestly say i have never seen. I'm sure they're great entertainment, not my sort of thing, i like tribute bands, each to their own. I was saying in a few years time who will there be to watch? Elvis will become less relevant as the years go on and there isn't really an artist since the 90's that would stand the test of time as a tribute act with the younger tourists coming through so where do you go? Its a difficult one as artists these days have maybe at the most 2 good years in them not decades like Freddie Mercury, Elvis, Neil Diamond, Frank Sinatra etc etc, will the tribute act die out within the next 10 years. Shame really.

Talking of tribute acts i saw a poster for a Greek Freddie Mercury tribute act "Freddos Mercurous"

Maybe not.

Question, are the younger generation become stupidly thick instead of brighter? You know the ones they talk about, The Millennial's. Firstly, socialising is alien to them if it isn't through a device. Secondly everything these days is so they won't have to do anything, driver less cars, fridges that order your food, talk activated appliances, you get my drift. Thirdly nothing is figured out in the brain and on paper anymore, its all done for them on devices.
Now then, this is what I'm leading up to, do the millennial's have to be told exactly what everything is for so they don't have to think for themselves either (i can feel my blood boiling).
I'm talking about............Heinz Sandwich Cream. What the F**K! Excuse the language there.

Now, please tell me the younger generation aren't that dumb that they can't figure out that Salad Cream can also be used in sandwiches. I used to make sandwiches for school when i was 12 and used "Salad Cream" in my sandwiches, i hardly ever ate salads at that age but i didn't need to be told i could use it in bloody sandwiches, i just figured out for myself that i could, its called common sense.

This is my bottle......

Almost empty i know but i found a shop today that has a huge family size bottle so i'm saved and it says "SALAD CREAM" on it.
What we going to have next,  Ass Paper instead of Toilet Paper, Leg Covers instead of Trousers, Food Lifting Device instead of Fork, will everything have to be literal descriptions in the future, RIDICULOUS! I don't think all Millennial's are that stupid are they, give them some credit.

Had a major food dilemma the other night, do i have foot long hot dog or homemade chicken tortilla wrap? Hmmmmmm, i had both.

And finally, i will leave you with this thought.............You got 100 friends lets say in your friends list, you post a picture so people will comment on it, 6 people like it, 4 people comment on it, not a good feedback rate is it. Does that mean 94 people hate it and 96 people haven't bothered looking at it? Ask yourself, is it worth your time? Something to think about.

Serve All, Love All, Peace All, Kevlar Out!

1 comment:

  1. See you later, sat waiting to board, ETA 9.30....the Moon's should be with you before 10.30pm xxx
